training & education programs

October 22, 2020 Training

"Food for Thought" Training Seminar

October 22, 2020 – Virtual 

Course #1456

FOIA Advisory Committee Recommendations


Presented by FOIA Advisory Committee Members

Bradley White, Department of Homeland Security 

Michael Morisy, Muckrock




ASAP Members paid for the 2021 membership year = $0  (Yep, you read it right: it’s FREE for members)  

Nonmembers = $10

FOIA Advisory Committee Recommendations will be presented by Committee members Bradley White and Michael Morisy. As members of the FOIA Advisory Committee, Bradley and Michael worked with many other dedicated volunteers from the federal agency environment as well as the requester community. The culmination of the Committee’s recent work is available in its recently released Final Report containing 22 recommendations. 

Listen to Bradley and Michael talk through some of the more provocative recommendations and the rationale for them, as well as the intended impact on  agency strategic plans,  mandatory annual FOIA training, briefing new senior leaders on their obligations and responsibilities under FOIA, and even recommendations for Congress. You can learn about all of the  22 recommendations in the final report

But wait, there is more!  You can be a part of ASAP’s newest offering in a virtual setting.  We are utilizing GoToMeeting for this event.  As we have mentioned previously, there is no affordable virtual format for ASAP to utilize that can overcome so many differing agency protections, i.e. firewalls. So, we are starting out simple and hope that many of you can participate.  Members can attend for FREE and nonmembers can pay a nominal $10 fee.  Everyone must register. We are trying to bring new opportunities and need your participation to help us test this format, hence, the extraordinary pricing. We’ve even scheduled some pre-event testing times for you.

EVENT: FOIA Advisory Committee Recommendations (Presenters may appear in their individual capacities.)

Course #: 1456

DATE: October 22, 2020

TIME: 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM EDT

LOGIN and TESTING: We will be utilizing Go to Meetings. We will have testing periods on Tuesday, October 20th from 10:00-11:00 AM EDT and 2:00-3:00 PM EDT. The link will be emailed to registrants for testing.

COST: ASAP paid members = $0  and Nonmembers = $10


Please click here for online registration (requires credit card) 

Please click here for paper registration