training & education programs

Hot Topic Series

The program, a member favorite, highlights a specific FOI, Privacy or records management topic or a hot topic issue. Presenters and topics vary according to interest levels and timeliness of the issue. The program is designed for convenience of all to attend. The sessions are an informal setting with speakers appearing on camera, and there is opportunity for questions and answers throuch the chat function. These sessions are not recorded. 


March 23, 2021

Hot Topic Series: Presidential Records

January 26, 2021

Hot Topic Series: FOIA Court Case Update


October 22, 2020

FOIA Advisory Committee Recommendations 

December 8, 2020

Exemption 5 Supreme Court Updates


March 27, 2019 

Foreseeable Harm


May 1, 2018
Consensus Ideas for Improving the Administration of FOIA

December 4, 2018

Reasonable Searches: You call that Reasonable?


November 16, 2017
The FOIA Ecosystem: We're All in This Together