join or renew

Join or Renew

ASAP Annual Membership Renewal/Join

New! Agency Memberships/Subscriptions

This is a very exciting time to be a part of ASAP.  The 2023 training events were resounding successes and we are offering more member benefits, i.e., free webinars and developing other virtual events including a virtual privacy program in March 2024. And our certification program is back on track and in the final stages. Annual dues for regular, associate and student members remain at only $50.00 (membership year is October 1 – September 30.) Log on and pay your dues. It’s easy, but if you need help, contact us at

NEW! At the annual membership meeting on June 27, 2023, members voted to amend the ASAP bylaws to include a provision for agency membership/subscription. Detailed information on this new category can be found here.

New Member:

The ASAP membership year runs from October 1 — September 30. Membership dues are $50 per year and are not prorated.

If you are a new member to ASAP, please click here to create an account. Once you've created an account, please log in and click 'Join ASAP' from the list of menu items. If you prefer a pdf form click here.

Regular Member
A Regular member is any individual who has an interest in the FOIA or Privacy Act, and does not fit into another membership category. A Regular member includes, but is not limited to, individuals who are practitioners, requestors, attorneys representing FOIA and privacy interests, academics, authors, consultants, and researchers. Regular members in good standing shall have voting privileges in the Society. Each Regular member is entitled to one vote. Any Regular member may hold elective office. Regular members shall receive all benefits of membership as such benefits are set forth by the Board, as well as any additional benefits as may be adopted by a majority vote of the Board of Directors.

A Student member is any individual who is at least a part-time student. Student members shall have all the rights and privileges accorded to Regular members.

An Associate member is any individual who is employed by a commercial vendor/contractor for the primary purpose of selling products or services to the access/privacy community (and in particular government agencies). Associate members shall have all the rights and privileges accorded to Regular members with the exception of holding elected office.

Special Membership
Special categories of membership, such as Member Emeritus, Life, Honorary or Retired may, upon recommendation of the Board, be conferred upon a Regular member or other nominated individual under such terms as the national Board of Directors shall determine from time to time. Current Board members are ineligible for nomination. Persons holding special memberships shall have no voting rights, are not subject to dues payments and may not hold elected positions.


Renewing Member:

If you received an ASAP dues notice and want to renew your dues and/or make changes to your database information, click here.